Latest Chrome Version (Chromium 35)
Chromium has moved to the version number 35. Although, tracking version number of browsers (specially Chrome and Firefox) can be termed as the most stupid task now – we have a habit to get excited about the new version numbers!
Chromium from 18 to 35 (canary build) can be downloaded from the following links: Chromium 35 download (choose the most recent build, at the bottom):
Chrome canary build (current version 18.0.1025.5):
I am on Chromium 35.0.1863.0 (Developer Build 53719 Windows). If you have been using these browser versions, you may have noticed a major change introduced recently: new design of the Options page.
Read new articles related to Google Chrome
Chromium from 18 to 35 (canary build) can be downloaded from the following links: Chromium 35 download (choose the most recent build, at the bottom):
Chrome canary build (current version 18.0.1025.5):
I am on Chromium 35.0.1863.0 (Developer Build 53719 Windows). If you have been using these browser versions, you may have noticed a major change introduced recently: new design of the Options page.
Read new articles related to Google Chrome