Latest Chrome Version (Chromium 35)

Posted by MD워시퍼
2013. 11. 4. 13:39 Site & Infomation
Chromium has moved to the version number 35. Although, tracking version number of browsers (specially Chrome and Firefox) can be termed as the most stupid task now – we have a habit to get excited about the new version numbers!

Chromium from 18 to 35 (canary build) can be downloaded from the following links: Chromium 35 download (choose the most recent build, at the bottom):

Chrome canary build (current version 18.0.1025.5):
I am on Chromium 35.0.1863.0 (Developer Build 53719 Windows). If you have been using these browser versions, you may have noticed a major change introduced recently: new design of the Options page.
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