[TRIRIGA] External Sample

Posted by MD워시퍼
2015. 9. 2. 14:57 Study/ARCHIBUS & TRIRIGA
ㅇ Organization
- triOrgHeadcountNU(총 직원) : Advanced Formula Query - Total number of people associated to Organizations Department and Division using Primary Organization For---Detail:triOneNU
-(Report Manager)-> triPeople - Advanced Formula Query - Total number of people associated to Organizations Department and Division using Primary Organization For - triEmployeeNU(하위조직 직원) : Is Parent Level 1:Organization:Organization---General:triOrgHeadcountNU

[TRIRIGA] Workflow Revision 보는 방법

Posted by MD워시퍼
2015. 9. 1. 20:30 Study/ARCHIBUS & TRIRIGA
상단의 이미지에서 List All Version 클릭시, 아래와 같은 화면이 나온다.

[TRIRIGA Workflow] triGraphicFind - Populate Location

Posted by MD워시퍼
2015. 9. 1. 12:11 Study/ARCHIBUS & TRIRIGA
1. Start
- Name : triGraphicFind - Populate Location
- Description : Returns the selected Space record to the calling object.
- Concurrence : Synchronous
- Temporary : Permanent
- Module : triActionForm
- Object Type : triGraphicFind
- Propagate Integration Status : check

2. Retrieve Task Properties
- Label : Retrieve Calling Object - triPeople
- Description : Retrieve calling object (triPeople) using Temporary Association.
- Retrieve : A List
- From Records : Take the Businuss Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use any Associated BO from module triPeople of type Temporary
- Filter Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object type : triGraphicFind

3. Retrieve Task Properties
- Label : Retrieve Selected triSpace Record
- Retrieve : A List
- From Records : Take the Businuss Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use any Associated BO from module Location triSpace of type Selected
- Filter Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object type : triGraphicFind

4. Switch Condition
- Expression : Retrieve Selected triSpace Record :: Result Count > 0 Start :: Review Status
- Y : 5 / N : END

5. Switch Condition
- Expression : Retrieve Calling Object - triPeople :: Result Count >= 1
- Y : 6 / N : 7

6. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Modify Calling Object - triPeople
- Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Calling Object - triPeople
Use it
Object Type : triPeople
>> 상세 : triSpacePrimaryLocation : Source
- Map From Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Selected triSpace Record
Use it
Object Type : triSpace
- Transaction : None

7. Retrieve Task Properties
- Label : Retrieve Calling Object - Service Request
- Description : Retrieve calling object (triServiceRequest) using Temporary Association.
- Retrieve : A List
- From Records : Take the Businuss Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use any Associated BO from module triRequest triServiceRequest of type Temporary
- Filter Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object type : triGraphicFind

8. Switch Condition
- Expression : Retrieve Calling Object - Service Request :: Result Count > 0
- Y : 9 / N : 12

9. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Modify Calling Object - triServiceRequest
- Description : Clear Locations
- Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Retrieve Calling Object - Service Request(triServiceRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triServiceRequest
>> 상세 : RecordInformation - triBuildingTX : null
RecordInformation - triFloorTX : null
RecordInformation - triLocationRequestedTX : null
RecordInformation - triSpaceTX : null
- Map From Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object Type : triGraphicFind
- Transaction : None

10. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Modify Calling Object - triServiceRequest
- Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Calling Object - Service Request(triServiceRequest)
Use it
Object Type: triSpace
>> 상세 : RecordInformation - triLocationRequestedTX : Source
- Transaction : None

11. Call Workflow Task Properties
- Label : Call Populate Locations triBuilding triFloor and triSpace
- Static Workflow : triRequest - Synchronous - Populate Locations TriBuilding triFloor and triSpace
- Records : Take the Businuss Object of Task Modify Calling Object - triServiceRequest(triServiceRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triServiceRequest

12. Retrieve Task Properties
- Label : Retrieve Calling Object - triMoveRequest
- Description : Retrieve calling object (triMoveRequest) using Temporary Association.
- Retrieve : A List
- From Records : Take the Businuss Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use any Associated BO from module triMoveRequest of type Temporary
- Filter Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object type : triGraphicFind

13. Switch Condition
- Expression : Retrieve Calling Object - triMoveRequest :: Result Count > 0
- Y :14 / N : 21

14. Switch Condition
- Expression : Start :: triGraphicFind :: Record Information :: triMoveToLocationBL == "TRUE"
- Y :14 / N : 18

15. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Modify Calling Object - triMoveRequest
- Description : Clear To Location
- Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Calling Object - triMoveRequest(triMoveRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triMoveRequest
>> 상세 : RecordInformation - triMoveToLocationTX: null
- Map From Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object Type : triGraphicFind
- Transaction : None

16. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Modify Calling Object - triMoveRequest
- Description : Update triMoveToLocationTX
- Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Task the Business Object of Task Retrieve Calling Object - triMoveRequest(triMoveRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triMoveRequest
>> 상세 : RecordInformation - triMoveToLocationTX : Source
- Map From Records : Workflow Activity
Task the Business Object of Task Retrieve Selected triSpace Record(triSpace)
Use it
- Transaction : None

17. Call Workflow Task Properties
- Label : Call Populate Locations triMoveToBuilding triMoveToFloor and triMoveToSpace
- Static Workflow : triMoveRequest - Synchronous - Populate Locations triMoveToBuilding triMoveToFloor and triMoveToSpace
- Records : Retrieve Calling Object - triMoveRequest(triMoveRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triMoveRequest

18. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Modify Calling Object - triMoveRequest
- Description : Clear Locations
- Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Calling Object - triMoveRequest(triMoveRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triMoveRequest
>> 상세 : RecordInformation - triBuildingTX : null
RecordInformation - triFloorTX : null
RecordInformation - triMoveToLocationTX: null
RecordInformation - triSpaceTX : null
- Map From Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object Type : triGraphicFind
- Transaction : None

19. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Modify Calling Object - triMoveRequest
- Description : Update triMoveToLocationTX
- Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Task the Business Object of Task Retrieve Calling Object - triMoveRequest(triMoveRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triMoveRequest
>> 상세 : RecordInformation - triMoveToLocationTX : Source
- Map From Records : Workflow Activity
Task the Business Object of Task Retrieve Selected triSpace Record(triSpace)
Use it
- Transaction : None

20. Call Workflow Task Properties
- Label : Call Populate Locations triMoveToBuilding triMoveToFloor and triMoveToSpace
- Static Workflow : triMoveRequest - Synchronous - Populate Locations triMoveToBuilding triMoveToFloor and triMoveToSpace
- Records : Retrieve Calling Object - triMoveRequest(triMoveRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triMoveRequest

21. Retrieve Task Properties
- Label : Retrieve Calling Object - triMoveRequestLineItem - From Location
- Retrieve : A List
- From Records : Take the Businuss Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use any Associated BO from module triitem triMoveRequestLineItem of type From Location
Object Type : triMoveRequestLineItem
- Filter Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object type : triGraphicFind

22. Switch Condition
- Expression : Retrieve Calling Object - triMoveRequestLineItem - From Location :: Result Count > 0
- Y :23 / N : 24

23. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Map MLI From Location
- Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Calling Object - triMoveRequestLineItem - From Location (triMoveRequestLineItem)
Use it
Object Type : triMoveRequestLineItem
>> 상세 : triFromLocation : Source - Map From Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Selected triSpace Record(triSpace)
Use it
Object Type : triSpace
- Transaction : None

24. Retrieve Task Properties
- Label : Retrieve Calling Object - triMoveRequestLineItem - To Location
- Retrieve : A List
- From Records : Take the Businuss Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use any Associated BO from module triitem triItem triMoveRequestLineItem of type To Location
Object Type : triMoveRequestLineItem
- Filter Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object type : triGraphicFind

25. Switch Condition
- Expression : Retrieve Calling Object - triMoveRequestLineItem - To Location :: Result Count > 0
- Y :26 / N : 27

26. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Map MLI To Location
- Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Calling Object - triMoveRequestLineItem - To Location (triMoveRequestLineItem)
Use it
Object Type : triMoveRequestLineItem
>> 상세 : triToLocation : Source - Map From Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Selected triSpace Record(triSpace)
Use it
Object Type : triSpace
- Transaction : None

27. Retrieve Task Properties
- Label : Retrieve Calling Object - Survey Request
- Retrieve : A List
- From Records : Take the Businuss Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use any Associated BO from module triRequest triSurveyEvaluationRequest of type Temporary
- Filter Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object type : triGraphicFind

28. Switch Condition
- Expression : Retrieve Calling Object - Survey Request :: Result Count > 0
- Y : 29 / N : 32

29. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Modify Calling Object - triSurveyEvaluationRequest
- Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Calling Object - Survey Request(triSurveyEvaluationRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triSurveyEvaluationRequest
>> 상세 : RecordInformation - triBuildingTX : null RecordInformation - triFloorTX : null
RecordInformation - triLocationRequestedTX: null
RecordInformation - triSpaceTX : null
- Map From Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object Type : triGraphicFind
- Transaction : None

30. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Modify Calling Object - triSurveyEvaluationRequest
- Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Calling Object - Survey Request(triSurveyEvaluationRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triSurveyEvaluationRequest
>> 상세 : RecordInformation - triLocationRequestedTX : Source
- Map From Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Selected triSpace Record(triSpace)
Use it
Object Type : triSpace
- Transaction : None

31. Call Workflow Task Properties
- Label : Call Populate Locations triBuilding triFloor and triSpace
- Static Workflow : triRequest - Synchronous - Populate Locations triBuilding triFloor and triSpace
- Records : Take the Businuss Object of Task Modify Calling Object - triSurveyEvaluationRequest(triSurveyEvaluationRequest)
- Object Type : triServiceRequest

32. Retrieve Task Properties
- Label : Retrieve Calling Object - Insepction Request
- Retrieve : A List
- From Records : Take the Businuss Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use any Associated BO from module triRequest triInspectionRequest of type Temporary
Object Type : triInspectionRequest
- Filter Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object type : triGraphicFind

33. Switch Condition
- Expression : Retrieve Calling Object - Insepction Request :: Result Count > 0
- Y : 34 / N : 37

34. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Modify Calling Object - triInspectionRequests
- Description : Clear Locations
- Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Calling Object - Insepction Request(triInsepctionRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triInsepctionRequest
>> 상세 : RecordInformation - triBuildingTX : null RecordInformation - triFloorTX : null
RecordInformation - triLocationRequestedTX : null
RecordInformation - triSpaceTX : null
- Map From Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object Type : triGraphicFind
- Transaction : None

35. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Modify Calling Object - triInspectionRequests
- Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Calling Object - Insepction Request(triInsepctionRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triInsepctionRequest
>> 상세 : RecordInformation - triLocationRequestedTX : Source
- Map From Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Selected triSpace Record(triSpace)
Use it
Object Type : triSpace
- Transaction : None

36. Call Workflow Task Properties
- Label : Call Populate Locations triBuilding triFloor and triSpace
- Static Workflow : triRequest - Synchronous - Populate Locations triBuilding triFloor and triSpace
- Records : Take the Businuss Object of Task Modify Calling Object - triInsepctionRequest(triInsepctionRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triServiceRequest

37. Retrieve Task Properties
- Label : Retrieve Calling Object - Product Request
- Retrieve : A List
- From Records : Take the Businuss Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use any Associated BO from module triProductRequest of type Temporary
Object Type : triProductRequest
- Filter Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object type : triGraphicFind

38. Switch Condition
- Expression : Retrieve Calling Object - Product Request :: Result Count > 0
- Y : 39 / N : END

39. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Modify Calling Object - triProductRequests
- Description : Clear Locations - Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Calling Object - Product Request(triProductRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triProductRequest
>> 상세 : RecordInformation - triBuildingTX : null RecordInformation - triFloorTX : null
RecordInformation - triLocationRequestedTX : null
RecordInformation - triSpaceTX : null
- Map From Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Start(triGraphicFind)
Use it
Object Type : triGraphicFind
- Transaction : None

40. Modify Task Properties
- Label : Modify Calling Object - triProductRequests
- Formulas : Recalculate as Needed
- Map To Records : Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Calling Object - Product Request(triProductRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triProductRequest
>> 상세 : RecordInformation - triLocationRequestedTX : Source
- Map From Records : Workflow Activity
Take the Business Object of Task Retrieve Selected triSpace Record(triSpace)
Use it
Object Type : triSpace
- Transaction : None

41. Call Workflow Task Properties
- Label : Call Populate Locations triBuilding triFloor and triSpace
- Static Workflow : triRequest - Synchronous - Populate Locations triBuilding triFloor and triSpace
- Records : Take the Businuss Object of Task Modify Calling Object - triProductRequests(triProductRequest)
Use it
Object Type : triProductRequest

[TRIRIGA] External formula

Posted by MD워시퍼
2015. 8. 31. 09:30 Study/ARCHIBUS & TRIRIGA
Some predefined formulas have inputs that are string or text values. The text values can come from fields of records or be the value in the formula. To put a string value directly in a formula, enclose it in double or single quotes like "THIS" or 'THAT'.
If you need a text value that contains a single quote, enclose it in double quotes like this: "O'Clock" If you need a text value that contains a double quote, enclose it in single quotes like this: 'He said, "Boo."'
You can not directly put a text value that contains both single and double quotes in a formula. However, you can concatenate to combine two or more text values into a single text value. To put the value It is at "four o'clock" in a formula you could write it as '"four ' + "o'clock" + '"'

[TRIRIGA] Workflow Task Type Names and ID

Posted by MD워시퍼
2015. 8. 30. 19:59 Study/ARCHIBUS & TRIRIGA
Workflow output like instance logs and errors typically list the task type name, but occasionally you might encounter a case where just the task type ID is available. The following lists the task type name and its ID.
1 - Start
2 - User Action
3 -reserved-
4 - Approval
5 -reserved-
6 -reserved-
7 -reserved-
8 -reserved-
9 - End
10 - End of Fork
11 - End of Iteration
12 - End of Switch & Loop
13 - Fork
14 - Switch
15 -reserved-
16 -reserved-
17 - Schedule
18 - No-op
19 - Stop
20 - Loop
21 - Break
22 - Query
23 - Modify Metadata
24 - Iterator
25 - Get Temp Record
26 - Save Temp to Perm
27 - Create Record
28 - Modify Records
29 - Retrieve Records
30 - Associate Records
31 - Trigger Action
32 - Delete Reference
33 - Add Child
34 - Set Project
35 - Attach Format File
36 - Populate File
37 - Distill File
38 - Call Workflow
39 - Custom
40 - Variable Definition
41 - Variable Assignment
42 - Data Connect
43 - Fact Condition Evaluator
By Name
33 - Add Child
4 - Approval
30 - Associate Records
35 - Attach Format File
21 - Break
38 - Call Workflow
27 - Create Record
39 - Custom
42 - Data Connect
32 - Delete Reference
37 - Distill File
9 - End
10 - End of Fork
11 - End of Iteration
12 - End of Switch & Loop
43 - Fact Condition Evaluator
13 - Fork
25 - Get Temp Record
24 - Iterator
20 - Loop
23 - Modify Metadata
28 - Modify Records
18 - No-op
36 - Populate File
22 - Query
29 - Retrieve Records
26 - Save Temp to Perm
17 - Schedule
34 - Set Project
1 - Start
19 - Stop
14 - Switch
31 - Trigger Action
2 - User Action
41 - Variable Assignment
40 - Variable Definition


[TRIRIGA] Workflow Definition and Instance Status Codes

Posted by MD워시퍼
2015. 8. 29. 19:51 Study/ARCHIBUS & TRIRIGA
This article contains a list of the Workflow Template and Instance status values. These values will occasionally be found in log messages and other places.

Workflow Status Values for Templates

10 = Published
20 = Revision in progress
25 = Retired
30 = Deleted

Workflow Status Values for Instances

Logical Status Order
40 = "Active" - Currently running
100 = "Completed" - Completed successfully
101 = "Completed-Warn" - Completed with warnings
0 = "Skipped" - Execution was skipped; the start condition was not satisfied
90 = "Stopped" - Stopped execution (stop task executed)
91 = "Stopped-Warn" - Stopped execution and had warnings (stop task executed)
200 = "Failed" - System level failure caused execution to stop (check the server.log file)
50 = "Suspended" - Suspended by an administrator
51 = "Suspended-Warn" - Suspended by an administrator and had warnings
60 = "Waiting" - Execution waiting for a user action
61 = "Waiting-Warn" - Execution waiting for a user action and had warnings
80 = "Aborted" - Aborted by an administrator
81 = "Aborted-Warn" - Aborted by an administrator and had warnings
Numerical Order
0 = "Skipped" - Execution was skipped; the start condition was not satisfied
40 = "Active" - Currently running
50 = "Suspended" - Suspended by an administrator
51 = "Suspended-Warn" - Suspended by an administrator and had warnings
60 = "Waiting" - Execution waiting for a user action
61 = "Waiting-Warn" - Execution waiting for a user action and had warnings
80 = "Aborted" - Aborted by an administrator
81 = "Aborted-Warn" - Aborted by an administrator and had warnings
90 = "Stopped" - Stopped execution (stop task executed)
91 = "Stopped-Warn" - Stopped execution and had warnings (stop task executed)
100 = "Completed" - Completed successfully
101 = "Completed-Warn" - Completed with warnings
200 = "Failed" - System level failure caused execution to stop (check the server.log file)


[TRIRIGA] triGraphicFind - OnChange Search By List

Posted by MD워시퍼
2015. 8. 27. 20:01 Study/ARCHIBUS & TRIRIGA

On Change workflow to modify GUI (hide/show) based on the selected option in the list.
리스트의 선택한 옵션에 따라 숨기기/보기 GUI의 수정된 워크플로우가 반영됩니다.

[TRIRIGA] Basic workflow Task

Posted by MD워시퍼
2015. 8. 26. 14:47 Study/ARCHIBUS & TRIRIGA
  • Create Record: Create a new record by using an existing record as input.(레코드 생성 : 입력된 기존 레코드를 사용하여 새 레코드를 만듭니다)
  • Modify Records: Modify the values in existing records.(레코드 수정 : 존재하는 레코드의 값을 수정합니다)
  • Retrieve Records: Get a list of records based on their association with another record.(레코드 검색 : 다른 레코드와 연관된 레코드를 불러옵니다)
  • Associate Records: Create or remove an association between records.(연관 레코드 : 레코드와 연관된 것을 생성하거나 삭제한다)
  • Trigger Action: Trigger a state transition action.(트리거 액션 : 상태 Query: Run a query and get a list of the resulting records

각종 회의에 대한 정의 및 용어 설명

Posted by MD워시퍼
2015. 8. 25. 19:57 Study/ARCHIBUS & TRIRIGA
'회의'의 모든 유형에 대해 일반적으로 '미팅'이라는 용어를 사용합니다. 즉 '회의(미팅)'는 모든 종류의 모임을 통칭하는 가장 포괄적인 용어이며 이는 컨벤션, 컨퍼런스, 포럼, 세미나, 워크숍, 전시회, 무역쇼 등으로 다시 분류할 수 있습니다. 이러한 분류는 참석자의 수, 프리젠테이션의 유형, 참가청중의 수, 회의 형식(형식적 또는 비형식적)에 따라 이루어집니다.

회의 (Meeting) 는 모든 종류의 모임을 총칭하는 가장 포괄적인 용어입니다.

컨벤션 (Convention) 은 회의분야에서 가장 일반적으로 사용되는 용어로써, 일반적으로 대회의장에서 개최되는 일반단체회의를 말하며 그 뒤에 소형의 브레이크아웃 룸에서는 위원회를 열기도 합니다. 브레이크아웃(breakout)이란 큰 단체가 몇 개의 작은 그룹으로 나누어질 때 사용되는 용어입니다. 기업의 시장조사보고, 신상품 소개, 세부전략 수립 등 정보전달을 주목적으로 하는 정기집회에 많이 사용되며 전시회를 수반하는 경우가 많습니다.

컨퍼런스 (Conference) 는 컨벤션과 유사하나 일반적 성격의 문제보다는 좀 더 전문적인 문제를 다룹니다. 즉, 컨벤션은 다수 주제를 다루는 업계의 정기회의에 자주 사용되는 반면 컨퍼런스는 주로 과학이나 기술, 학술분야의 새로운 지식습득 및 특정 문제점의 연구를 위한 회의에 사용되고 있습니다.

컨그레스 (Congress) 는 컨퍼런스와 유사하나 이 용어는 유럽에서 국제회의를 지칭하는 것으로써 일반적으로 사용되고 있습니다.

포럼 (Forum) 은 제시된 한 주제에 대해 상반된 견해를 가진 동일분야의 전문가들이 사회자의 주도하에 청중 앞에서 벌이는 공개토론회로써 청중이 자유롭게 질의에 참여할 수 있으며 사회자가 의견을 종합합니다.

심포지움 (Symposium) 심포지움은 포럼과 유사하나 제시된 안건에 대해 전문가들이 청중 앞에서 벌이는 공개토론회로써 포럼에 비해 다소 형식을 갖추며 청중의 질의 기회도 적습니다.

렉처 (Lecture) 는 심포지움보다 더욱 형식적이며 한 연사가 강단에서 청중에게 연설을 합니다.

세미나 (Seminar) 는 대면토의로 진행되는 비형식적 모임입니다. 주로 교육 목적을 띤 회의로서 30명 이하의 참가자가 어느 1인의 지도 하에 특정분야에 대한 각자의 경험과 지식을 발표하고 토론합니다.

워크숍 (Workshop) 이란 최대 35명 그리고 보통은 30명 정도의 인원이 참가하는 훈련 목적의 소규모 회의로써 특정 문제나 과제에 관한 아이디어나 지식, 기술, 통찰방법 등을 서로 교환합니다.

클리닉 (Clinic) 은 소그룹을 위해 특별한 기술을 훈련하고 교육하는 모임입니다.

패널토의 (Panel Discussion) 는 청중이 모인 가운데 2~8명의 연사가 사회자의 주도 하에 서로 다른 분야 의 전문가적 견해를 발표하는 공개 토론회로써 청중도 자신의 의견을 발표할수 있습니다.

전시회 (Exhibition) 는 전시참가업체에 의해 제공된 상품과 서비스의 전시 모임을 말합니다. 무역이나 산업, 교육분야 또는 상품 및 서비스 판매업자들의 대규모 전시회로서 회의를 수반하는 경우도 있습니다. 전시회는 컨벤션이나 컨퍼런스의 한 부분에 설치됩니다. 엑스포지션(exposition)은 주로 유럽에서 전시회를 말할 때 사용되는 용어입니다.

무역박람회 (Trade Show 또는 Trade Fair) (또는 교역전)는 부스(booth)를 이용하여 여러 판매자가 자사의 상품을 전시하는 형태입니다. 전시회와 매우 유사하나 다른 점은 컨벤션의 일부로서 열리지는 않습니다.

화상회의 (Teleconferencing) 는 화면을 통하여 다른 몇 개의 장소에서 동시에 회의를 할 수 있는 방법입니다. 참가자들이 각기 다른 장소에서 TV화면을 통해 상대방 을 보면서 의견을 교환하는 것으로 고도의 커뮤니케이션 기술을 이용합니다.

출처 : 스마트한 시설자산경영 및 생애관리, 천주교 산호세 한국 순교자 성당


Posted by MD워시퍼
2013. 11. 25. 12:35 Study/ARCHIBUS & TRIRIGA

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