[ARCHIBUS] 라이센스가 인식이 되지 않을 때

Posted by MD워시퍼
2013. 10. 7. 17:54 Study/ARCHIBUS & TRIRIGA

운영을 위해서, 라이센스를 받았을 때, 해당 라이센스가 개발 ARCHIBUS 버전과 다를 때,

 afm_scmpref 테이블에 있는 AFM_DB_VERSION_NUM 이 라이센스와 같이 들어온 DB와 비교를 해보아야 한다.

[워시퍼의하루] 나의 블로그는 몇 등 일까요? (최고 169,730위)

Posted by MD워시퍼
2013. 9. 30. 10:29 Diary

<출처 : 빅키워드>

ㅇ 2013년 9월 10일 : 331,196위

ㅇ 2013년 9월 23일 : 197,181위

ㅇ 2013년 9월 30일 : 181,342위

ㅇ 2013년 10월 14일 : 169,730

[새벽편지] 긍정적으로 바라보기

Posted by MD워시퍼
2013. 9. 27. 12:41 Feeling/새벽편지

10대 자녀가 반항을 하면

그건 아이가 거리에서 방황하지 않고 집에 잘 있다는 것이고,

지불해야 할 세금이 있다면

그건 나에게 재산과 직장이 있다는 것이고,

파티를 하고 나서 치워야 할 것이 너무 많다면

그건 친구들과 즐거운 시간을 보냈다는 것이고,

옷이 몸에 좀 낀다면

그건 잘 먹고 잘 산다는 것이고,

깎아야 할 잔디, 닦아야 할 유리창, 고쳐야 할 하수구가 있다면

그건 나에게 집이 있다는 것이고,

정부에 대한 불평불만의 소리가 많이 들리면

그건 언론의 자유가 있다는 것이고,

주차장 맨 끝 먼 곳에 겨우 자리가 하나 있다면

그건 내가 걸을 수 있는 데다 차도 있다는 것이고,

난방비가 너무 많이 나왔다면

그건 내가 따뜻하게 살고 있다는 것이고,

아줌마의 엉터리 성가가 영 거슬린다면

그건 내가 들을 수 있다는 것이고,

세탁하고 다림질해야 할 일이 산더미라면

그건 나에게 입을 옷이 많다는 것이고,

온몸이 뻐근하고 피로하다면

그건 내가 열심히 일했다는 것이고,

이른 새벽 시끄러운 자명종 소리에 깼다면

그건 내가 살아 있다는 것이고,


이 메일이 너무 많이 쏟아진다면

그건 나를 생각하는 사람이 그만큼 많다는 것이다.

ARCHIBUS Releases 3rd Generation Mobile Technology for Real Estate, Infrastructure, and Facilities Management

Posted by MD워시퍼
2013. 9. 24. 20:37 Study/ARCHIBUS & TRIRIGA

ARCHIBUS, Inc. (www.archibus.com), the #1 developer of real estate, infrastructure, and facilities management software in the world, announces the latest release of its ARCHIBUS® software suite.

The release, ARCHIBUS V.21.1, is leveraging the third generation of mobile technology − hybrid mobile. Embedded inside ARCHIBUS, the Mobile Framework provides the platform to rapidly introduce a new breed of customer-responsive mobile apps. It features a preliminary set of mobile applications for space, asset, and maintenance management, initially running on mobile platforms such as Apple iOS and Google Android, and available free of charge on the Apple Store and Google Play. A future mobile release will support Blackberry® and Windows®8 operating systems.

In addition, enhancements to ARCHIBUS Web Central provide a simpler, next generation user interface and forms design, compatibility with Windows 8, Internet Explorer 10, and WebLogic 12c; and enhancements to a range of ARCHIBUS applications that automate more tasks and streamline workflows.

The release also includes the latest Smart Client Extension for AutoCAD, as well as user and system management Help features that increase productivity.

“ARCHIBUS V.21.1 reflects the needs of technology-forward real estate and facilities managers who are increasingly relying on mobility solutions to run many aspects of their organizations more efficiently,” said ARCHIBUS President Bruce K. Forbes. “The streamlined look and feel of the user interface and other enhancements make ARCHIBUS features and functions more approachable to a larger group of users within an organization, which can improve overall information sharing and service delivery.”

ARCHIBUS 3rd Generation Hybrid Mobile Framework that Goes the Distance

ARCHIBUS Mobile technology has evolved through three distinct generations. The firstgeneration used a syncing process with technologies like Palm OS that required customized development to suit customer needs. The vendor-centric technologies of the second generation required that customer apps be redesigned and recoded separately for each mobile platform, such as Windows CE or Blackberry. Now ARCHIBUS is leveraging the third generation − hybrid technology − to deliver a new breed of customer-responsive mobile apps, which can be configured only once and then delivered simultaneously to different mobile platforms and devices, without compromising security or device control.

The ARCHIBUS Mobile Framework also provides a wide range of features that developers and users alike can use to personalize the ARCHIBUS apps, as well as to quickly and easily create their own apps.

“Because of the proven ARCHIBUS platform, and the addition of a robust Mobile Framework, we expect hundreds of new mobile-based apps to be written by the ARCHIBUS Community and Eco-System in the next 18 months,” says Forbes. “As the Apple App Store exploded, so do we expect the Mobile apps to explode in our world of TIFM and IWMS.”

The ARCHIBUS Mobile Framework supports iOS and Android platforms, along with mobile, browser-based access for the current versions of Apple Safari and Google Chrome. The ARCHIBUS Framework currently includes: Space Book, Maintenance, and Asset & Equipment Survey Mobile Apps. They all connect a full range of workflow processes directly to the ARCHIBUS enterprise repository. These applications deliver both live and semi-connected access to ARCHIBUS, ensuring proper validation of field-submitted data and adherence to centrally defined business rules and workflows.

More Auto-Complete and Simplified Forms Features

ARCHIBUS V.21.1 also provides a time-saving, auto-complete feature in all edit forms and most filter fields. By typing in a validated field, ARCHIBUS generates a drop-down list of possible values to choose.

On-screen grids have also been given a simpler look with headers and footers that no longer scroll so that they are always visible even if data is too long for the screen. In addition, form layouts have been simplified to give them a cleaner look even for complex forms; on-screen report layouts have also been streamlined.

ARCHIBUS has also updated its Flash-based drawing controls, adding a click-drag-release action for quick panning, windowed selection for quickly assigning entire groups of rooms or assets, as well as support for new types of forms.

Enhanced Platform and Applications

In addition to new mobility applications and a simplified user interface, ARCHIBUS supports WebLogic 12c, Internet Explorer 10, and Windows 8 Desktop environments.

ARCHIBUS Help and System Management Help features are now delivered from the latest, online version of ARCHIBUS Help systems and take advantage of HTML5 for a more modern look.

More features and greater functionality have also been included in such applications as Preventive Maintenance, Asset Management, Environmental Health & Safety, Energy Management, Cost Administration, and Portfolio Management.

Lastly, ARCHIBUS V.21 also supports a wide variety of personalization features to tailor the system and individual applications to user needs.

About ARCHIBUS, Inc.

ARCHIBUS is the #1 global provider of real estate, infrastructure, and facilities management solutions with the total annual expenditures for ARCHIBUS-related products and services valued at over $2.2 Billion (USD). For more than 30 years, ARCHIBUS innovations have fostered business transformation that saves users’ organizations over $100 billion annually.

With ARCHIBUS, organizations can use a single, comprehensive, integrated solution to make informed strategic decisions that optimize return-on-investment, lower asset lifecycle costs, and increase enterprise-wide productivity and profitability. ARCHIBUS is the world-wide proponent for the creation of ubiquitous environmental sustainability and intuitive business transformation (IBT) initiatives. ARCHIBUS has dominated the global real estate, infrastructure and facilities management automation market with a market share of over 94%.

More than 7,000,000 ARCHIBUS enterprise and Web users collectively manage over 15,000,000 buildings and properties, with organizations reporting facilities-related cost savings as high as 34%. With over 1,600 ARCHIBUS Business Partners, local and regional support worldwide is available in over 190 countries and in more than 30 languages. Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, ARCHIBUS, Inc. has pioneered computer-aided infrastructure and facilities management technologies since 1982. For more information, visit www.archibus.com

[사색의 향기] 축복의 말

Posted by MD워시퍼
2013. 9. 17. 09:06 Feeling/사색의 향기
박제된, 입이 큰 농어 아래 다음과 같은 글이 적혀 있었다. 
'내가 입을 다물었다면, 난 여기에 있지 않을 것이다.'

- 차동엽의 '무지개 원리' 중에서 -

입은 복을 부르기도 하고 
때로는 화를 부르기도 합니다.
물고기나 사람이나 입을 잘못 열면 낭패를 당하기 십상입니다.

한 번 입밖으로 낸 말은 
엎질러진 물처럼 다시 주워 담을 수 없습니다.
내가 건네는 말 한마디가 
힘이 나게 하기도 하고 힘들게도 합니다.

항상 말할 때는 신중하게 하고
되도록이면 비난하는 말보다는 용기를 주는 말,
축복의 말을 해야 하는 이유입니다. 

[새벽편지] 양초 두 개

Posted by MD워시퍼
2013. 9. 14. 12:31 Feeling/새벽편지

어떤 남자가 이사를 했다.

그런데 이삿짐 정리가 

끝나기도 전에 정전이 되었다.

그가 양초와 성냥을 겨우 찾았을 때 

똑똑하고 문을 두드리는 소리가 들려 

문을 열어보니 한 아이가 서있었다.

"아저씨 양초 있으세요?"

그는 속으로 생각했다.

'이사 온 첫날부터 나에게 양초를 

빌려달라고 하다니...

만일 지금 양초를 빌려주면

앞으로도 계속해서 이것저것 

빌려 달라고 할거야...'

이런 생각에

"애야 우리 집에는 양초가 없단다."

그리고 문을 닫으려는 순간,

아이가 소리쳤다.

"아저씨, 이사 온 첫 날부터 정전이 되어

불편하실까봐 제가 양초를 가지고 왔어요!"

아이는 양초 2개를 그에게 내밀었다.

아이의 맑은 눈!

똑바로 쳐다 볼 수가 없었다.